Monday, May 22, 2006

What Every Librarian should know about KM ...

LiSLIG and ICTLIG bring you:

“What Every Librarian Should Know About Knowledge Management But Might
Be Afraid To Ask.”

Date: Wednesday, 31 May 2006

Time: 13:30 for 14:00

Venue: Old Mutual, Pinelands

Cost: LIASA members R30, non LIASA members R50

Payments will be accepted at the venue (cash or cheque)

Speakers: Ian Corbett, Knoco South Africa; Gretchen Smith, Department of
Information and Library Studies UCT; Ben Fouche, Knowledge Leadership

Panel discussion with audience will follow speaker presentations.

RSVP: Caroline Dean tel: +27(0)21 650 3701 or

email: caroline at by Friday 26 May 2006

2nd WCEHLIG Winter Colloquium

LIASA Western Cape Higher Education Libraries Interest Group (WCHELIG) invites you to the 2nd WCHELIG Winter Colloquium on 14 June 2006, at the IT Centre of the Bellville Campus of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology.

Purpose:More and more the need for collaborative efforts are being called for to address the challenges that we face as we buildour country. Collaborative work is not only called for on a national and international level, but also across disciplines, amongst and within institutions. Librarians have worked across all types of borders, and collaborated across all types of divisions both inside and outside the library and the communities we serve. In sharing and making public our collaborative efforts, we reflect on our success in making a difference to the user community we serve. In fully recognising our collaborative efforts we inspire others and ourselves to continue to build on those successes.

For the Colloquium programme and further details visit the WCHELIG blog at . The informationwill also soon be available on the LIASA website at

Registration details:
IT Centre, Bellville Campus, Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Wednesday 14 June 2006

Registration closes 7 June 2006
First name
Preferred badge name
Company / Institution
Tel no
Fax no
Mobile no.
Dietary requirements
Registration costs:
LIASA member: R 150.00 Non-member: R 300.00

Method of payment:
* Cheque. Post to with registration form to be attachedWCHELIG Colloquium 2006, c/o Rolf Proske Cape Peninsula University of Technology Library c/r Keizergracht & Tennant Str Zonnebloem7925
* Bank deposit. Proof of payment and registration form to be faxed toRolf Proske at Fax no (021) 460 3699 (tel 021-460 3156) or Audrey Patrick, Fax no 021-9596605

Bank account details: First National BankBranch: Paarl Branch code: 200110 Account no: 50251139760
Reference: your surname, institution, WCHELIG Colloquium

Please note registration will only be confirmed on receipt of proof of payment
Enquiries: Rolf Proske, or tel 021 460 3156

WCHELIG Workshop on Open Access and Respositories

The LIASA Western Cape Higher Education Libraries Interest Group (WCHELIG) together with SIVULILE (WE ARE OPEN) presents a workshop on Open access and Respositories.

Come join us on 12 June 2006 in the Library on the Bellville Campus of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology.
Please respond by 5 June 2006 to Rolf Proske at or 021 460 3156.

Programme and registration details below. It is also availble from the WCHELIG blog at and willsoon also be availble from the LIASA website at


Open Access Scholarly Communication and IR’s
12 June 2006
Library, Bellville Campus
Cape Peninsula University of Technology

8:30 – 9:00 Registration
9:00 – 9:15 Welcome
9:15 – 10:00 Introduction to Open Access Scholarly Communication- Allison Moller
10:00 – 11:00 The What & The Why of Institutional Repository- Susan Veldsman
11:00 – 11:15 Tea
11:15 – 12:15 Policy Issues in IR - Susan Veldsman
12:15 – 13:15 Lunch
13:15 – 14:15 Metadata & e-preservation - Dr Dale Peters
14:15 – 14:30 Tea
14:30 – 15:15 New Roles and activities for Librarians - Dr Dale Peters
15:15 – 15:45 IR’s so far – UWC (To be confirmed) - SUN (To be confirmed)
15:45 – 16:00 Discussion1
6:00 - 16:15 Thanks and closure - Fatima Darries

Registration details:
Library, Bellville Campus, Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Monday 12 June 2006

Registration closes 5 June 2006

First name
Preferred badge name
Company / InstitutionAddress
Tel no
Fax no Mobile no.
Dietary requirements

Registration costs:
LIASA member: R 180.00 Non-member: R270.00

Method of payment:
• Cheque. Post to with registration form to be attached WCHELIG Workshop 2006, c/o Rolf Proske Cape Peninsula University of Technology Library c/r Keizergracht & Tennant Str Zonnebloem 7925
• Bank deposit. Proof of payment and registration form to be faxed to Rolf Proske at Fax no (021) 460 3699 (tel 021-460 3156) or Audrey Patrick, Fax no 021-9596605

Bank account details: First National BankBranch: Paarl Branch code: 200110 Account no: 50251139760

Reference: your surname, institution, WCHELIG Workshop

Please note registration will only be confirmed on receipt of proof of payment
Enquiries: Rolf Proske, or tel 021 460 3156